we began our ride around 8 this morning, mountain time. Bob and Joel took the first ten miles; Brandon and JT the next five; Dr. Patterson the next five; and Rebekah and I had the next ten miles. Then we started the cycle over...adjusting the distances to our comfort. Our safety vehicles drove behind us with their emergency flashers on. Around two hours ago we finally arrived safely at Guadalupe Mountains National Park. We set up tents and are now about to make dinner. Our stops for the rest of the ride will be Kermit, Andrews, Snyder, Abilene, Graham, Mckinney, Scroggins, and Texarkana. 107 miles down..a little under 800 to go! Wish us luck!
wish you had time to jog up to the top of Guadalupe Peak, but I'm guessing that after that last leg in the Guadalupes, you'll be satisfied to view it from the base. This is beautiful country, though desolate and wide open. I ask that the road be yours to conquer tomorrow. Blessings on all of your time together. Safety, endurance, and camaraderie!