Sunday, May 19, 2013


90% heart...

With a trip like this, you would think that it would take mostly endurance and being in great physical condition.  You're right. It does take a lot of that; but in comparison with heart, physical condition only makes up about 10%.

You see it takes heart to commit to a huge project like this and follow through with it.

It takes heart to wake up every morning early and try to prepare yourself for another day on the bike.

It takes heart to push through the muscles burning and cramping, lungs screaming for air, and the soreness and tightness that sets in after a day or two.

It takes heart to overcome the fear of riding along the highway on the shoulder with cars whizzing by you at speeds up to 70 mph.

It takes heart to get on the bike and ride when you're biking into or facing 20-30 mph winds that threaten to take you out and push you back.

It takes heart to bike up hill after hill after hill and not quit.

It takes heart.

This is a fun adventure.  We are making lots of memories.  But the credit first has to go to God's blessings and then to the heart of this team.  A coach once told me that you should have a heart so big that no one can hold it in their one can measure the size of your heart.  The heart of this team is huge.  It is immeasurable.  For eight people of different backgrounds, majors, and ages to come together as one unit and spur one another on to achieve one common goal is unbelievable.  It reveals one very important thing- the immeasurable heart of this team.

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